Using animation to redefine the way patient stories are told.
To pull out human emotion, patient stories are often live-action films. While we often turn to our cameras for capturing patient stories, COVID limited access to patients. This problem allowed us to propose a new solution — capturing patient interviews virtually and bringing the story to life with an animated series profiling the impact of science through the lens of patients.
Creative Concepting
Vertex Pharmaceuticals
Adding to the unscripted storytelling approach, we turned to a somewhat broken and organic style to feel human and hand-made rather than sleek and clean-cut. The client started by identifying the patient stories they wanted to capture. From there, we developed an interview guideline and captured interviews with patients on a Zoom call while gathering audio with their phones. Each scene was fully drawn, stylized, and colored by our team before an animator brought everything to life.
The first video we produced profiles a scientist whose children were both diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. As a parent and scientist, he dedicated his life to curing the disease. Many years later, his gene-editing approach is now changing the lives of people with Type 1 diabetes. Here’s a recent article about the impact.
Mary Beth journey with Alpha-1 began when her grandfather urged his family to get tested due to the hereditary nature of the disease. Mary Beth speaks to the importance of early detection and her experience with Alpha-1.
Dr. Kendra Richardson shares how her world changed after she received her diagnosis of APOL1. Now, as a doctor, she emphasizes the importance of discussing health related issues with your doctor and loved ones.
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